PDF Generation


PDF Generation

This app is a show-case for how to generate and display a PDF.

For more details, see Generating a PDF with Simplifier via Plugin.

Getting started:

  1. Start download
  2. Import file on your Simplifier instance
  3. Create a PDF Template named TestTemplate (see Create a PDF Template via Plugin)
  4. Open app ‘SF_Example_PDF’ in Application Editor and run ‘Login Wizard’ for specifying the correct login mechanism (depending on your instance settings/policy):
    1. App Wizard: Select ‘PDF’ in Step 4: Navigation after Login
    2. Application Editor: Set new generated ‘Login’ screen as start screen
  5. Deploy app ‘SF_Example_PDF’

General App Information

Publisher: Simplifier AG
Compatible Simplifier Versions: 6.0
to download please confirm: